Thank you for your interest in joining the lab as a graduate student for the 2024-2025 application cycle! Whether I take a graduate student largely depends on the needs of the other faculty here at Brown, which are often not made clear until December. Due to the high influx of emails I get about graduate school, please read the following:
I do not meet or Zoom with students before being shortlisted as this would pose an unfair advantage for those who ask, and I do not have time to meet with everyone. I also ask that you refrain from reaching out to my graduate students asking to meet with them until you are shortlisted--for the same reasons. What I can offer are my general thoughts about what makes a good candidate, someone who stands out in the pool, has a higher chance of getting an interview, and those who have the greatest success in my lab.
Candidates who are more likely to get shortlisted generally have a few things: 1) a keen interest in the topic(s) we are studying, 2) ample experience (2 years full time) working in similar lab(s), and understanding the landscape of research and what goes into it, 3) a skill set that touches on at least one of the following categories: behavioral experimentation, modeling, fMRI or EEG.
I hope that helps as you search for the right lab, and remember it's just as important to find the right PI and lab fit for you and your interests!
For my upper-level seminars, which includes the 'Moral Brain' and 'From Neuroeconomics to Political Polarization', please be aware that securing a spot in the class works in the following way.
Please email the following requesting a spot on the class list and stating your year
Come to the first day of class when the class roster is set. The class list is based on 1) when you emailed, 2) your class year, 3) your interest in taking the class (pure interest trumps taking it for fulfilling credits), 4) if you are ready to be in a discussion heavy seminar where hard topics are on the table, and where you will be exposed to ideas that may differ from your own
If you are interested in joining our lab as an undergraduate research assistant, please apply here.
Postdoctoral applicants, please email Dr. FeldmanHall to tell her about your interests and include your CV.